Best practices and templates on how to write great messages for your LinkedIn outreach campaigns.
General best practices
LinkedIn outreach is outbound, meaning prospects are not looking for your service and are happy with what they have, so we have to get them interested by first starting a conversation, then enlightening them about a much better way to do things.
Write like you’re talking 1:1 to someone (casual, conversational)
Be extremely clear and keep all messages short.
Don’t be vague, be specific
Use insider language
Use social proof
Be helpful & valuable
How to structure your sequence
Connection Request: short, casual, fits on one line, mentionable persona in the first 70 characters
2nd message: no more than 2 lines. Start with a connector “nice to meet you” + discovery question. Does not have to be super complex, just a question to crack the door open and get a response related to a pain point or your prospects job. People are more likely to reply to your offer or ask after you first have a brief conversation.
3rd message: start with softener “following up here {firstname}”, “hope you’re well {firstname}” + a bit more about what you do “The reason I asked that is because…” Keep your pitch short and crystal clear. Instead of asking for a call, consider more value-driven asks. Can I send you a few case studies? Are you open to learning more?
*Add social proof to either the 2nd or 3rd message.
4th message: two ways to approach this message:
Handle common hidden objections, like timing or relevancy. Is now a bad time to discuss X? Sorry if my messages above weren’t relevant - is there a different person I should run this by?
Paste a great link to a resource like a testimonial, video, case study or landing page. Never put a link in 2nd and 3rd touch, only in the 4th touch. “Hey {firstname}, last check in, I’ll stop bothering you, just wanted to leave you with what you would get by working with us. Let me know if you have any questions here”.