My LinkedIn has been restricted in the past, will that impact my Cleverly campaign


Understanding LinkedIn Account Restrictions

LinkedIn account restrictions can occur for various reasons, and the timing of these restrictions plays a crucial role in determining when to engage with Cleverly's services. If your account has been recently restricted, it is advisable to take specific steps before proceeding.

Recommended Waiting Period

If your LinkedIn account was restricted within the last week, we recommend waiting at least one month before signing up for Cleverly. This waiting period allows your account to fully recover and "cool down," reducing the risk of further issues.

Prioritizing Account Safety

While it may be possible to sign up for Cleverly sooner, our primary concern is the safety and longevity of our clients' accounts. We have a proven track record of successfully keeping accounts from being restricted, and we want to ensure that your account is in the best possible standing when you begin your Cleverly campaign.