Can I cancel anytime?
At Cleverly, we understand that circumstances can change, and you may need to adjust your commitments. That's why we have a straightforward cancellation policy designed to provide you with flexibility while ensuring a smooth transition.
Cancellation Process
After your initial three-month commitment, you can cancel your service with just a 10-day notice before your next billing cycle. This notice period is essential as it allows us to process your cancellation efficiently and wrap up any ongoing tasks or campaigns.
Why a Notice Period?
We believe that a notice period is crucial for several reasons:
It ensures that all final processes are handled professionally.
It helps us avoid any disruption to your service.
It allows us to complete any ongoing projects to your satisfaction.
We strive to provide you with the best possible experience, and our cancellation policy reflects our commitment to professionalism and customer care. If you have any questions or need assistance with the cancellation process, please feel free to reach out to our support team.